Public Relations


When the media visits your office, how to prepareIf you’ve cleared the first hurdle in securing a new media opportunity by scheduling an interview with a reporter to visit your office, you may be wondering “what’s next?” Whether the reporter visiting your office is from a local newspaper or television station, you should be prepared to put your best foot forward. The following is a step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your in-office interview.

1. Pick a spot and clean it – Start by choosing a place in your office where you would like to conduct the interview. If you’re not one to keep your personal office neat and tidy and prefer an “organized mess,” then be sure to prepare an area like your conference room or lobby for the media interview. If you’re welcoming a TV reporter to your office, consider what your interview will look like on camera. Ideally, you will want to pick a spot where your logo or company name is in the background. You may also consider strategically placing any awards or plaques you’ve received in the background as well, but remember not to overdo it. Your expertise should be the focus of the interview, don’t let the background of the video be too distracting.

2. Prepare for a photoshoot or b-roll – Aside from the location you choose to conduct the interview, be prepared for the reporter to ask to see other areas of your office for b-roll (supplemental footage used within a story or interview) or photoshoot opportunities. TV reporters will often ask to shoot b-roll of you, which can consist of you working at your computer or simply walking through the hallway of your office. For a photoshoot, you’ll want to consider an area with ample lighting.

For b-roll and photoshoots alike, you’ll want to keep in mind that your professional attire will need to be from head to toe, so be sure to dress to the nines! Also, on the day of the interview, take an extra outfit with you into the office so that you have a backup option. This may seem unnecessary, but you’ll be thankful you have the additional option if you run into an emergency situation.

3. Have your materials ready – You’ll also want to prepare any additional materials you may want to offer the reporter as supplement information. This could include any item from your business card to a white paper that helps further explain the topic of the interview. Have these materials printed and ready to go before the reporter arrives and offer them once the interview has ended. Providing supplemental materials on the topic you’ve interviewed on allows the reporter to reference the materials when they revisit the story later. Reporters often find these “take home” materials extremely helpful as it can help ensure that they remain accurate when they write the story.

4. Don’t forget your manners – With so much excitement surrounding your media interview, make sure it doesn’t cause you to forget your manners. Just as you would any other guest in your office, be sure to give them a warm welcome and thank them before they leave. It’s important to be punctual – reporters deal with harsh deadlines every day and have little flexibility to wait for you. If you know in advance that the media is visiting your office, try to adjust your schedule accordingly to avoid any possibilities of you running late. It’s also smart to offer your contact information for any follow-up questions they may have. Letting them know you’re available for further information shows the reporter that you’re a reliable source they can depend upon.

Now that you’re prepared for the media to visit your office, it’s time to nail down those talking points. Check out some helpful do-it-yourself media coaching tips here. For help getting In The News, contact AdvisorPR at (866) 888-5333 or email us at Info@advisorpr.com.

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