Radio Marketing for Financial Advisors: Leveraging Your Show to Grow your Audience, Influence & Book of Business (Part 1)


On AirAs radio continues to be a popular marketing funnel for financial advisors, it can be easy to get swept up in the production and lose sight of the end goal: financial clients! Let’s take a look at how to integrate this traditional medium with the newer marketing channels and technologies available today to maximize your results.


While a memorable phone number is a helpful tool (especially if you plan to take call-ins to your show!) having a catchy, easy to say, easy to spell website URL to promote during your shows is one of the most fundamental elements to maximizing your radio potential. This may be a variation of your radio show name, or perhaps a tagline. Two reasons this is essential:

  1. It takes less of a commitment to find you online versus picking up a phone, and
  2. As most radio listeners tend to be in the car, a website is more likely to stick top-of-mind than a phone number.

If building a recognized radio show personality is your primary goal, you may consider a dedicated separate website; however, if the program is primarily aimed to be a marketing funnel for your financial advisory practice, a dedicated page on your company website is likely your best bet. This makes it as easy as possible for listeners to click over to explore your service offerings, your credentials and be converted into an appointment.

Functionality to consider adding to this radio page include:

  • Submit a question to address on the air
  • Give us your feedback or opinion on a recent topic (may be in the form of a poll)
  • View our schedule of upcoming guests
  • Listen to recordings of past shows
  • Request your copy of a deliverable that was promoted on air
    (white paper, book, etc.)

With your radio essentials in place, you are ready to tap into a world of guest appearances and cross-promotional opportunities. Be sure to read part 2 of this blog series, “Tapping Into Guest Equity,” to maximize your marketing efforts, and give us call at (866) 888-5333 or email with questions or if we can be of help in developing your marketing strategy or support materials.

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