How to Gain Media Attention
Have you ever tuned in to your local news station to find an interview with a financial professional? In April, he might be asked about tax prep. In December, charitable donations may be the topic of conversation. Regardless of the topic, for financial experts, being interviewed on the news is the perfect way to raise your profile, establish credibility and garner more clients. So how can you get the attention of your local news media?
If you can’t be the news, support the news. Chances are, in the day to day operation of your business, there’s little that would qualify as newsworthy. Yet there are many ways you can become a resource for reporters, who will seek you out when covering stories that require an expert opinion. In the case of breaking news, reporters may need a quick take on how an interest rate hike, for example, may affect viewers’ finances and decide to have you on. If a reporter decides to take an in-depth look at how to choose a financial advisor, she may turn to you for input. Current events and trends, such as the advent of the DOL fiduciary rule, are a great time to be a media outlet’s go-to expert. There are myriad ways to set yourself up as an outlet’s trusted resource.
Start locally. When big news hits the national stage, smaller outlets often seek out the local perspective, so area residents will know how the news impacts them. For instance, in the case of stock market volatility, your local news station may wish to have an expert on to offer advice or calm frayed nerves. When politics and policy grab the headlines, reporters may need someone who can help explain how their viewers’ finances might be affected. Calendar-based events, such as tax-filing or end-of-year planning, are popular times to turn to experts for advice. And on slow news days, stations appreciate having evergreen content, such as advice on risk-tolerance, investment goals, and portfolio diversification, at the ready.
Tout your experience. In addition to the type of financial advice everyone can benefit from, reporters also like to cover unique situations or scenarios. Perhaps you helped craft a financial plan for a family with a disabled child or a couple who desired to invest only in “green” companies. Special circumstances such as these capture the imagination and are popular subjects for media coverage. When in need of insight, media outlets will seek out your extensive experience in the industry. Your opinion, born of many years helping clients, is valuable to them and their audiences.
Become the news. On occasion, you may find that you have indeed risen to the level of newsworthy, and the media may come calling. For example, the publishing of a book is the perfect time to send out a press release to entice the media to cover you. If your book sells exceptionally well, make sure local media outlets know they have a best-selling author in their midst. You can hold a book signing, agree to speak on topics covered in your book, or donate a portion of your profits to your favorite charity—all newsworthy events. If you can land a book review in a local paper, you’ll receive valuable press coverage and be on their radar the next time they need help in your area of expertise.
Other newsworthy events. Let’s say you receive an award, make Barron’s list, or are lauded as an Advisor of the Year. These are all accomplishments the media may want to cover. Local news outlets love the chance to tout the successes of area businesses, and if you’re lucky enough to receive national acclaim, local outlets will also want to cover you. Opening a new location, hosting a ribbon cutting, or sponsoring a local cause are also newsworthy events that may warrant coverage. If you’re planning to host a high-profile speaker at an event, such as a well-known author or TV personality, make sure the media know about it, too.
In your line of work—as in many others—getting your name out there is of paramount importance. Perhaps you’ve considered paying for an ad on your local TV station, but the cost has been prohibitive. Now imagine the impact that having your business being featured on the news would have. The trust and credibility you’d gain from being your local new station’s financial planning expert would be invaluable. Don’t consider such a goal out of reach; it can be done. There are ways to grab the spotlight and raise your awareness that won’t cost a penny and can pay dividends for years to come.
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